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of Rexburg

THE Challenge

The city of Rexburg wants to build a new museum honoring the community, and showcasing the Great Teton Flood that was a major event there in the 70's. City officials came to my Architecture class to give us criteria of what they wanted in the building. Over the semester, I led a group of students throughout the semester in creating a design for the officials to show to the community to build funds and interest so they can begin the process of building their museum.

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The concept

The two main concepts I focused on were the nature of water and community. We created concept models, visualizing the concepts our designs were including.

This model represents the nature of water. Water flows from high areas to low areas, a concept I featured in the final design. Water can also be very leveling once it is settled. 

Massing model

The next step creating small massing models to incorporate our concepts into a general building shape

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First Presentation

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During our first presentation to the city officials, we created a model, site plan, floorplans, elevations, and sectionals. I was the one making the model and site plan, as well as drawing a couple perspectives. The purpose of this presentation was to show our ideas before everything was finalized so they can give feedback on what they liked and didn't like. 

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Final Presentation

After receiving feedback, we altered our design and set to work on creating a detailed design. I used a combination of traditional model making with 3d printing in order to create the final model.

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