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An AI-Enhanced Escape Room

Ragnarök is an ongoing project where I explore how AI can enhance the storytelling experience of an escape room. Instead of a singular storyline, there are opportunities for guests to make decisions at different stations that effect the outcome of the story. I also used this project as a final project for my Model Making for Entertainment Design class. The story brings guests into the world of the Norse gods. Guests will be able to choose their own path as they explore the space between realms.  The choices they make will decide if they prevent Ragnarök, or if they are the ones to herald it in. The fate of the gods is in their hands. 
The escape room will contain several mini- areas. The Yggdrasil gate will act as the opening scene, where guests are given the story premise and are started on their journey.
Brokkr's Forge: here guests will be able to forge different magical objects to help them in their story. Once you light the forge, Brokkr is just as happy to help you save the gods, or condemn them. 
  Mystical Glen: a small glen that acts as a magic hotspot where guests can participate in rituals to further the storyline. 
 2 Beast Lairs: Fenrir’s prison and Jormungandr’s cavern. These areas will present opportunities to help the gods with specific tasks or to empower the monsters themselves. 
Gate of the dead: A pedestal acts as a conduit to where guests can either summon the warriors of Valhalla to fight with the gods, or the warriors of Niflheim to rise with the beasts of Ragnarok.
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